Baptism: | [91] Rm. 6:3-11. | [116] Mt. 28:16-20. |
Marriage: | [230-231] Eph. 5:20-33. | [6] Jn. 2:1-11. |
Holy Oil: | 1. [57] Jm. 5:10-16. | [53] Lk. 10:25-37. |
| 2. [116] Rm. 15:1-7. | [94] Lk. 19:1-10. |
| 3. [153] I Cor. 12:27-13:8. | [34] Mt. 10:1-8. |
| 4. [182] II Cor. 6:16-7:1. | [26] Mt. 8:14-23. |
| 5. [168] II Cor. 1:8-11. | [104] Mt. 25:1-13. |
| 6. [213] Gal. 5:22-6:2. | [82] Mt. 15:21-28. |
| 7. [273]IThess. 5:14-23. | [30] Mt. 9:9-13. |
Monastic tonsure: | [233] Eph. 6:10-17. | [39] Mt. 10:37-42. |
Burial of Infants: | [162] I Cor. 15:39-45. | [21] Jn. 6:35-39. |
Burial of Monastics: | [270] I Thess. 4:13-17 | [16] Jn. 5:24-30. |
Burial of Priests: | l. [270] I Thess. 4:13-17. | [16] Jn. 5:24-30. |
| 2. [89] Rm. 5:12-21. | [15] Jn. 5:17-24. |
| 3. [158] I Cor. 15:1-11. | [21] Jn. 6:35-39. |
| 4. [160] I Cor. 15:20-28. | [22] Jn. 6:40-44. |
| 5. [113] Rm. 14:6-9. | [23] Jn. 6:48-54. |
Great Blessing of Water: | [143] I Cor. 10:1-4. | [2] Mk. 1:9-11. |
Little Blessing of Water: | [306] Heb. 2:11-18. | [14] Jn. 5:1-4 |
Blessing of a Church: | [307] Heb. 3:1-4. | [37 ] Jn. 10:22-28. |
Blessing of a Cemetary: | [33] Acts 13:26-31. | [62] Jn. 19:38-42. |
For the New Year: | [282] I Tim. 2:1-7. | [13] Lk. 4:16-22. |
For Civil Holidays: | [Ill] Rm. 13:1-7. | [90] Mt. 22:15-22. |
In times of strife: | [233] Eph. 6:10-17. | [51] Mk. 11:23-26. |
In times of drought: | [56-57] Jm. 5:7-9, 17-18. | [65] Mt. 16:1-6. |
In times of slush: | [98] Rm. 8:22-27. | [20] Mt. 7:7-11. |
In times of fire: | [331-332] Heb. 12:14-24. | [69] Lk. 12:48-59. |
In times of plague: | [331] Heb. 12:6-14. | [16] Lk. 4:37-44. |
For every need: | [229-230] Eph. 5:9-21. | [20] Mt. 7:7-11. |
| [167] II Cor. 1:3-7. | [51] Mk. 11:23-26 |
| | [88] Lk. 18:2-8. |
For travelling by land: | [20] Acts 8:26-39. | [47] Jn. 14:1-14. |
For travelling by water/by air: | [44] Acts 21:1-7. | [18] Mk. 4:35-41. |
At the beginning of instruction: | [218] Eph. 1:16-19,3:19-21. | [44] Mk. 10:13-16. |
At the biginning of good work: | [241] Phil. 2:12-16. | [20] Mt. 7:7-11. |
Thanksgiving: | [229] Eph. 5:9-21. | [85] Lk. 17:12-19. |
For the persecuted: | [21] Acts 9:1-8 | [64 ] Jn. 20:17-24 |
For the sick: | [57] Jm. 5:10-16. | [26] Mt. 8:14-23. |
| [33 ] Heb. 12:6-13. | [21] Mk. 5:24-34. |
| | [13] Jn. 4:47-54. |